Guardianship & Conservatorship Nomination

Your nomination of a guardian is not binding on a court, but it carries a lot of weight and will influence the court's decision. Unless there's some glaring reason why the court shouldn't accept your named guardian, it will usually go with your choice. Therefore, it's important that you protect your minor children by naming someone you trust who will raise them in a stable manner with values similar to your own.
If you don't name a guardian, then the court will appoint someone without any influence or knowledge of your wishes. Your relatives might disagree on who best should care for your minor children and the court might appoint someone you would never have chosen.
Nomination of Conservatorship in Los Angeles, CA
In a conservatorship, someone else is given the legal rights to be responsible for the physical wellbeing, assets, and finances of an incompetent person who can no longer take responsibility for himself. If the incompetent person does not have a prior Power of Attorney set up, then the court must be petitioned to appoint a conservator.
A Nomination of Conservatorship allows the children of elderly or disabled parents to be able to care for their aging parents when they can no longer adequately care for themselves. If your elderly parents have not done any estate litigation, then you may need the legal assistance of our conservatorship attorney to be named a conservator through the court. Your estate litigation should include the naming of guardians for minor children. You may also need the services of a conservatorship lawyer to help you care for parents who have become incompetent.
At the Law Offices of David A. Shapiro, P.C., our Los Angeles trust lawyer can provide the legal assistance you need for the nomination of a guardianship or conservatorship. Contact us today.